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Foxy Films Industrial

Foxy Films Industrial was born out of necessity and grace. During the pandemic all of my temp staff from the Whitney were out of work so I took it upon myself to drum up some business for us. This had led us to become one of the best AV install teams in NYC addressing the niche market of exhibition audio visual design and installation.  



Karma Gallery

Mungo Thomson - Time Life
March 5–April 16, 2022

A 4k single channel video series


The Queens Museum

Suzanne Lacy - Quito project

March 13, 2022 - Aug 14, 2022

A six-channel video installation


The Shed

Tomás Saranceno – Particular Matter(s)

February 11, 2022 – April 17, 2022

A large-scale exhibition and sensory experience with spiderwebs, air, and the cosmic web


Time Square Arts
Pamela Council - A Fountain for Survivors

October 14 – December 7, 2021

A sheltered fountain in an iconic public space. 


The Shed

Open Call 2020

Aisha Amin, Ayanna Dozier, Caroline Garcia, Le’Andra LeSeur, Simon Liu, Kenneth Tam

June 4, 2021 – August1, 2021

A large-scale commissioning program for early-career NYC-based artists. 


The Shed

Howardena Pindell - Rope/Fire/Water”

October 16, 2020 – March 28, 2021

An exhibition about the brutality of racism and the healing power of art




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